about time...
It's freakin about time someone said to themselves, " Hey, I am a good artist" Then took it one step further and said, " Im going to create this brilliant animation show like no other, and unlike others at Newgrounds, Im not going to give up or change it because It turned out to be more work than they'd thought." Im so proud of you for your amazing patience at flash, which is where I give most of your credit. Granted you are an excelling artist but, really, everyone has the potential of this movie, but laziness is usually more overcoming. You, sir, have shown this potential in all its glory and make us wee folk look like peasants.
In conclusion, anyone can do this, maybe not with your brilliant story or music and all, but what I mean is this kind of animation is acheivable on Flash by anyone of us, but of course, who has that kind of discipline to sit down and put painstaking hours for a 5 min. movie. Thanks Phillips for teaching us, well at least me, this reality. I love art and believe I can do just as good, therefore I challenge you, and hope the bar for excellent flash will be raised and raised again inspiring others to "kick it up a notch"
thats all.